Janaina Dallan
Source: One Planet
Author: Janaina Dallan
Image: Jan Huber/Unplash
"As parts of the tree, companies are invited to make their energy transition and strengthen initiatives that reduce or mitigate emissions." By Janaina Dallan for One Planet.
"The world has never been such a collective place as it is now. People and companies share actions, share spaces, and interact with public policies on a global scale, so the impacts of these relationships need to be efficient for everyone, since they are also connected. Society can be seen as a single big tree, which has to perform all its functions in a harmonious way to ensure sustainable growth and a long-lasting existence."
Read more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2022/07/transicao-energetica-e-o-futuro-como-uma-grande-arvore.ghtml