Janaina Dallan
Source: Um Só Planeta
Author: Janaína Dallan
Image: Getty Images
"Basis of life on Earth, carbon can compromise our survival on the planet. The so-called "carbon credits" are in the media, in political and scientific debates, and in our conversations among friends. But what are they and how can they help us in this scenario?
A carbon credit represents the "non-emission" or the sequestration of one ton of carbon in the atmosphere. It is a financial incentive for activities and technologies that emit less than the ones used today, or that remove carbon from the atmosphere. We know that not only industries or related activities, but all our daily actions emit carbon into the atmosphere, from the simplest, such as eating a snack or taking the car to the market, to flying to a business meeting. The release of carbon equivalent, via pollutant gases like carbon dioxide and methane, contributes to the greenhouse effect, altering atmospheric temperature and favoring climate change."
Read more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2021/10/afinal-o-que-e-esse-tal-credito-de-carbono.ghtml