Taskforce on scaling
Source: Taskforce on scaling
Author: Taskforce on scaling
Image: Taskforce on scaling
Carbonext has been cited as one of the organizations that will assist in this process of connecting to indigenous groups and NGOs operating around the world and are providing practical advice on the ongoing nomination process.
In addition to Carbonext being named as one of the organizations that are part of this effort, we are also proud to have our Co-CEO, Janaina Dallan, as the only Brazilian to have been named an expert on the task force.
" - The Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM), the governance body launched by the Voluntary Carbon Markets Scaling-up Task Force (TSVCM), shares its roadmap for determining a global benchmark for carbon credit quality;
Annette Nazareth, former SEC Commissioner and Senior Counsel at Davis Polk and Wardwell, and Dr. Hugh Sealy, former Chair of the CDM Executive Board and former Chair of the CDM Methodologies Panel, become Co-Chairs, leading a diverse organization that will drive work to bring greater integrity to VCMs;
The IC-VCM is also initiating a process to nominate representatives from indigenous peoples and local communities to fill three positions on the board."
Learn more: https://www.iif.com/tsvcm/Main-Page/Publications/ID/4641/Governance-Body-Formed-by-the-Taskforce-on-Scaling-Voluntary-Carbon-Markets-Announces-New-Leadership-Will-Appoint-Representatives-from-Indigenous-Groups