Source: B.Forest
Author: B.Forest redaction
Image: B.Forest
"According to an independent study, the forestry sector has the greatest potential to generate value in carbon credits by 2030." Janaina Dallan, our Co-CEO, was one of the interviewees in this B.Forest Magazine story.
"The revenue generation potential of the carbon market in Brazil is U$100 bi in 10 years. The research was done by WayCarbon, commissioned by ICC Brasil (International Chamber of Commerce, or International Chamber of Commerce, in Portuguese translation) and supported by Suzano, Microsoft, Shell, Natura, Bayer and bp, reveals, that by 2030, the country can generate 1 gigaton in credits, or 1 bi tons of CO2 equivalent."
"Brazil has an incomparable potential for generating carbon credits due to its competitive advantage in clean energy production and its forests and vast biodiversity." added Janaina Dallan.
Learn more: https://revistabforest.com.br/2021/10/b-forest-a-revista-eletronica-do-setor-florestal-edicao-78-ano-07-n-5-2021/