Isto É Dinheiro - Lana Pinheiro
Source: Isto É Dinheiro
Author: Lana Pinheiro
Image: Alberto César Araújo
"Past in check: The trend is for international investors to stay away from predatory activities that contribute to global warming."
"... To get a dimension of the distance that exists, during the more than 30 hours of lectures and discussions listed in the official program, the participation of subjects related directly and exclusively to sustainable financing did not reach 10%. This is not necessarily a demerit of the event organizers, but it is evidence of how peripheral the topic is to the financial sector. It is worth remembering here that, as Janaina Dallan, partner at Carbonext and president of the Brazilian Alliance in Nature-Based Solutions, said in the Blue Pages of this issue (see page 10), the engagement of world leaders in the Paris Agreement and its goals for reducing global warming only happened "when Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock, wrote a letter to his clients [January 2020] warning that, to ensure the perpetuity of the business, executives should start assessing climate issues as business risks..."
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