Janaina Dallan
Source: Um Só Planeta
Author: Janaina Dallan
Image: Getty Images
"New York will host a week of global discussion on climate change. Brazil will be debated in at least five panels, and it is important that Brazilians give voice to the solutions we have already delivered and those we can deliver." By Janaina Dallan for One Planet.
"This month, New York City will host one of the world's main forums for discussion about climate change and the measures we have to adopt to avoid the most harmful effects of global warming, which already impact the economy and food security of everyone on the planet. Climate Week takes place from September 19 to 25, with important panels on the measures to ensure an efficient technological transition to clean energy matrices and the actions to be taken for the efficient sequestration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere."
Learn more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2022/09/nova-york-discute-o-clima-e-o-brasil-precisa-falar.ghtml