Janaina Dallan
Source: One Planet
Author: Janaina Dallan
Image: Rogério Assis - Greenpeace
"I talked to the CEO of Verra, one of the most important certifiers in the carbon credit market in the world, about issues that need to advance in the Brazilian agenda." By Janaína Dallan for One Planet.
"The CEO of Verra, David Antonioli, is at the head of one of the most important certifiers of the carbon credit market in the world. With a degree in Sociology and a Master's in Public Policy, he is now a renowned specialist in climate change.
Always open to dialogue, he leaves Verra's doors open for the exchange of ideas. We were recently together in his office in Washington DC to discuss the REDD+ projects in the Brazilian Amazon, the areas at risk of deforestation and the national legislation on the subject for certification of quality credits. In this conversation of ours in February, we talked about the cooperation between Aliança Brasil NBS and the institution, especially for the observation of points on REDD+ methodologies and jurisdictional REDD+, as well as initiatives that local companies can adopt to expand the efficiency of what is already done today, observing the different realities we encounter."
Learn more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2022/06/david-antonioli-salvar-florestas-hoje-significa-que-temos-que-plantar-menos-arvores-no-futuro.ghtml