Janaina Dallan
Source: One Planet
Author: Janaína Dallan
Image: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images
"Many work on the front lines in the fight against global warming, for the preservation of nature and biodiversity, for a more sustainable planet for future generations. And you, what do you think about this? These are some of the goals behind the emerging market of so-called "green jobs". Emerging and booming." By Janaina Dallan for One Planet.
"Green jobs are those aligned to the bioeconomy. They have a defined purpose and demand broad technical knowledge. In this strand are activities that produce or provide services in agricultural, industrial, transportation, energy, food, sanitation, construction, and even those that provide environmental responsibility services - but always with a focus on reducing carbon emissions released into the atmosphere.
Learn more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2022/01/empregos-verdes-conexoes-pelo-futuro-do-planeta.ghtml