Janaina Dallan
Source: Um Só Planeta
Author: Janaína Dallan
Image: Getty Images
"Most of the Amazon Rainforest is on Brazilian soil, so we have the responsibility to think of projects that fight for its preservation" Article by Janaína Dallan for One Planet.
"Protecting the Amazon Rainforest should be a life purpose. I say this not only as a forest engineer, but taking into consideration the biodiversity that lives there, thinking about the future of the planet.
Brazil is today at the center of the environmental discussions in the world. There is, in the Amazon Forest, an arc of destruction that threatens 100 million hectares. We are talking about an area equivalent to more than 5,200,000 Maracanã stadiums. A process of desertification is underway, where more than 17% of the original local cover has already been cut down."
Read more: https://umsoplaneta.globo.com/opiniao/colunas-e-blogs/janaina-dallan/post/2021/10/redd-por-que-os-creditos-de-carbono-florestais-sao-mais-sexy.ghtml