Valor - Janaina Dallan
Source: Valor
Author: Janaina Dallan
Image: Divulgation / Carbonext
"On April 22, 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson took advantage of college students' spring break to call on young people to publicly demonstrate against the growing pollution that was contaminating the air, water, and soil across the country. Almost 20 million people took to the streets, prompting the United States to create the first Environmental Protection Agency. In 2009, the United Nations Organization chose April 22nd as the International Day of the Earth, a stimulus for people around the world to reflect on the future of our planet.
Years later, the day was chosen for the beginning of the period for the ratification signatures of the Paris Agreement, which establishes the commitment of countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Those with more aggressive targets can provide financial support to developing regions through the carbon credit, a financial asset that turns unemitted pollutant into monetary resources."
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